Monday, February 2, 2009

Journals of Wisdom

Today I found in one of our participant's journals the following words. How beautiful are these?

"If there is a gap, it’s where I did not eat. I eat when I get hungry, so if I didn’t eat, I was not hungry."

Not eating because he is supposed to, or because some book or guru said-so. Just because his physical body is hungry. Most of the people out in resolution diet-land could benefit so much by simply tuning-in to what their own bodies are telling them, and then responding.

Simplicity. Gotta love it.


wheeltags said...

I'm hungry!

ProMotion at Klipsch Fitness said...

then...."eat it".....

Chris said...

Hey Coach John,

Amen. Intuitive wisdom, something seeming so natural is central to health, fitness, and well-being. Amazing how so many are dis-connected. Glad to see you are helping others find their way back.
