Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting off right...

First Annual "Clear-the-Haze" Spin
Klipsch Group Exercise Cave
10 a.m. this morning!

Five riding enthusiasts showed up with smiles on their faces to shake off the cob webs of a long night of revelry, imbibing and general foolery. The start time of 10 am was carefully chosen so as to encourage responsible party-making and still allow a modicum of sacred sleep-time. I think all attendees complied with the intent - the craziest story was that of the "host": John had 23 eighth-graders at his house last night, and they were all still there when he went to bed about 1 a.m. When he awoke to come ride, there had to be at least a dozen still there, spread out all over the place sleeping in various states of disarray.

Larry Coan was unable to join as he is still down in Florida doing spin classes where they perform 2009 jumps! (and you thought Singleton liked to do jumps!)

Morrie Maurer missed out because the party was at his house last night and as host he was a little hamstrung to get to bed relatively early. He made it up out of his hole by 11:30 though - so good for him. I'd bet a month's pay he will be on his trainer later.

Matt Tanner had good intentions but fell down on the execution - he asked his wife for permission to attend, which of course she curtly denied. Instead, he should have just left the house early, before she was awake, and then simply seek forgiveness when, upon his arrival back home, he had to answer the question of "where the hell have you been".

John Wright had something else in mind - he rode his mountain bike outside this morning! Good for him! (FYI - he was the lead rider for the Delta Faucet team at the corporate challenge cycling event this year).

Spitz - I guess he is struggling with a gimpy knee - good luck with that, Spitz!
Bertke - Well, I didn't hear anything official so I am tempted to make up something though I will refrain for now - turning over new leaf, resolutions, and the spirit of the season interfering on many levels.

So, just who DID come ride on this beautiful, sunny first morning of the year?

Smilin' and ever-more-fit Markus Blanchardidus
Look for him to be the next ProMotion Fitness "poster-boy"!

Mary Beth MacBeth
Thanks for joining us, it was a PLEASURE to have you ride with us!
And thanks for letting Matt come, too!

Hubby Matt MacBeth
Matt is back on the bandwagon and really starting to crank the chi!
Check him out on the treadmills in the early morning hours.
He's puttin' in the time!

And of course, last and certainly not least,
Gary Westfall.
Be sure to check out the awesome article on Gary's personal fitness journey over the past couple years. There was a great piece in the Indianapolis Star on Tuesday (Dec.30th) A special shout-out of BIG THANKS to Sarah Knight for facilitating the article. It was nicely done.
Our fitness community at Klipsch, this powerful "sangha" that is growing here, played an important part in Gary's continuing journey - and it can play a part in your personal journey as well.

Wishing you all a SUPER 2009! Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

wheeltags said...

The decorations are down and I managed to eek out 1.5 hours on the rollers after dinner. Looks like you guys had fun without me.