Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Challenge is Off and Hoppin'!!

Jump Rope: Beth Mendenhall was the FIRST ONE to accomplish the challenge of "100 jump ropes without missing"!! Way to go, Beth!!

Perfect Push-Ups: Kathleen Ravotti, well rested from her last several weeks of goofing off and taking it WAY too easy, was the first one to accomplish the challenge of "50 Perfect Push-ups"!
This feat was closely monitored by Coach Cooper, so you can bet they were, indeed, "perfect"!

Congrats to Beth and Kathleen - and kudos to the rest of you out there who are well on your way to filling in your card with stickers!

(photo above is of Wynona Davis, Beth Mendenhall, and Coach Wendy at this year's "Anna's Run" for special-needs children)

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