Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Holiday Haiku

Boxing heats up Cave (5)
Ladies love to hit Blanchard (7)
Fun welts and bruises (5)

Vanessa leads the troops (note, four ladies in class! - Melissa B was manning the camera) through punching drills. Six pugilists in class that day, and sweat was bountiful!

(Melissa B had to jump REAL high and snap quickly to get this shot - actually, I think Spitz just reached up and took this one)
Tall guys, short women (5)
All have fun lacing up gloves (7)
Work is hard, sweat pure (5)

Hey - and a sneak preview for any of you out there actually checking this out - You're in store for a SPECIAL lunch and learn next TUESDAY - JJ and Chef Wendel (with a whole lot of encouragement from Coach Wendy) are cooking up something extra special in the cafe that day - you won't want to miss it (Plus, you'll get a sticker for attending!)

1 comment:

Professor Thump said...

I wonder how long John worked on the Haiku? Nice Job!

You girls don't scare me at all...well maybe a little, especially scrawny Fry.