Thursday, December 18, 2008

ohhhh SNAP!

So, here's the deal - the other day, Kathleen earned "first-sticker" for bringing in a plate of brownies. She made many excuses that they weren't any good, made from a mix, blah-blah-blah.
Well, they still fueled and re-fueled many a spinner that day, even though she was right, they weren't very good.

As she always does, Kathleen came through in the CRUNCH, when time was running short, the crowd was on its feet and hope hung in the balance: Today, when I entered the Fitness Center to help out Coach Cooper with a large helping of Holiday This-n-That, I found another batch of Kathleen Brownies (note - capitalization of "brownies" in the preceding is intentional and warranted). These we on a nice glass plate, with each layer separated by wax paper, contained walnuts, and made from scratch!!

For someone who doesn't drink that much milk any more, do you know just how YUMMY a homemade brownie and a tall, ice cold skim milk taste!?!? Thank you so much, Kathleen, for restoring my faith and belief in your ability to accomplish absolutely anything you put your mind to, in a range and breadth of endeavors that stagger the frailty of the human mind.

In other brownie notes for today, Chris Aiello also brought in a plate of brownies - very moist, very yummy, yet we suspect they were from a boxed mix. If so, one of the BEST mix brownies we've ever sampled. Thanks to not being covered with wax paper, this batch disappeared pretty quickly once Gospel and Blanchard visited the fitness center this afternoon.

And lastly for this evening - in the BIGGEST news of the Holiday Challenge:
a. Amy Reeder is quitting smoking and is smoke free for 30 days! Please send her your positive chi - she deserves it.
b. Mark Blanchard achieved some remarkable weight and body composition changes in the past thirty days - WAY to go, Mark!
c. The over/under on the number of Holiday Sweaters that Young Brad not only owns but will wear out in public is 7.

See you all tomorrow - with bells on!!


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