Well, fellow yogis and pugilists and cyclists and fitness friends of every ilk and persuasion, very best wishes for a glorious and joyous holiday season, fast upon us with CHRISTMAS DAY tomorrow.
Above are a few photos from a nice little holiday gathering at one of our favorite eateries, NG's in Z'ville: It was pulled together to thank some special people for some special help they selflessly gave ProMotion Fitness over the last few months. We drank a little wine, ate a little sushi, and had a big fun time.
We were all nestled cozy inside while the ice came down yesterday - in fact, Trey received a call telling him that everyone had been dismissed early due to the weather. And while it took awhile to get home, at least we were spared from sitting on 465 for 5 hours while it was closed from Michigan to Keystone.
Hope you all spend quiet, relaxing time with family and friends and loved ones. Be safe, and be well.
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