Look carefully at the photo above - stare deeply, and open your mind. Now, if you dare, notice Chris on the left, with the mitts, and in your mind's eye, insert Melissa Fry - that's right, "Small Fry" - imagine Melissa and Blanchard going at it in boxing class with Ian! Well, if you were around today (Friday) at noon, you could have seen precisely this image - real life, real time.
Word has it that the combination of earning stickers, the pre-holiday party spirit, and the intense, burning, animalistic desire to HIT SOMETHING, preferably a person, and knowing that Mark always attends Ian's Friday noon time boxing class, and who better to hit than Blanchard - well, Melissa just couldn't resist!
Word also has it that she was a NATURAL - took to it like a duck to water, or hip-hop artist to a sub-woofer (hmmm, stretching the analogies a bit too far?). Anyway, she was slipping and sliding, throwing combinations and generally whoopin' some ass.
You ROCK, Small Fry!!
That's right. I was movin' and groovin'. Thanks to Mark for getting me into the class with Ian. I truly had a great experience!!! And what a plus getting to beat up Mark for a whole hour.
I will definitely be back!!
Melissa- You were awesome! I was in the room (setting up a demo for the holiday/Quintet party) when it all went down. I was pretty impressed, and a bit frightened. Some of the other women that have taken the class didn't enjoy hitting nearly as much as you did! :)
Ouch! She hits hard.
Best first class boxer I have seen. I can tell she has a brother. Small Fry is pure talent. I hope to see her in golden gloves some day.
Hey wasn't Chris on the right?
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