Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brownies - Workout Fuel?

Or festive treat? How many of the six basic food groups are covered by the common brownie? Well, let's see....there's dairy (I think), and of course you have your sugar and chocolate food groups. That's three! Not bad, all in one simple little treat....For future reference, the other three basic food groups are complex carbs, beer and pizza. This may be on a future Fitness Challenge Quiz.

You know, the so called "experts" claim that workout fuel such as the brownie simply do not provide the sustained energy release necessary for optimum performance and training. These experts are so limited in their vision and foresight: They wax eloquently about the "crash" you get after the sugar "high" - well DUH! What kind of idiot would it take to figure out that all you need to do is eat another brownie before the crash comes! Problem solved!


Chris said...

Hey Guys,

Finally found your Klipsch Fitness blog! Great stuff! Keep up the effort.


Chris said...

By the way, I should have had some brownies with me for my run last Saturday. I'm sure that would have helped shave at least an hour off my finishing time.

The aid station at mile 18.2'ish did have hot chocolate. Let me tell you, a big cup of that really did the trick. At least for a mile or two : -)


ProMotion at Klipsch Fitness said...

Yep - Like brownies, Hot Chocolate covers at least three of the basic food groups (sugar, chocolate and dairy) - additionally, there are nutritional bonus points earned for having something hot (above 105 degrees F) when it is cold (below 32 degrees F) - it's a fact....

Professor Thump said...

Nice work John. Don't believe a word Wendy says. There is a food group called chocolate.